Hi! Thanks for visiting our press page. It means that you are interested in our company either as a journalist, blogger, procrastinator (if that’s a word) or just want to check if we are legit. Regardless of your purpose, please read on and if there is anything in addition that you need or are interested in, then please reach out to us. We will get back to you in a split second….

Go! Running Tours Company Facts:

  • Founded 2013
  • Head quarter in Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Present in 60+ destinations (see them all here)
  • For more background head to our “about” page

Facts we are particularly happy about:

  • Growing with around 20 destinations a year
  • Powered by passionate, friendly and happy runners all over the world
  • Net promoter score of 88. We love our guests, and thankfully they like us too!
  • Enjoy every kilometer we run…..even when it rains, snows or is boiling hot!

Notable mentions of Go! Running Tours:

Mashable: Running tours add a workout to city sightseeing

Runners World: Travel Industry Lures Runners with ‘Sightrunning’ Tours

Runners World: 10 Cool Running Tours to See Street Art Around the World

The Guardian: Top 10 City Running Tours

Travel and Leisure: The best cities for running tours

National Geographic: Streets Ahead

ESPN: Get out of town! Sightrunning tours and why we love ’em

Media Library:

Please click on this link to access our media folder that includes images from a handful of destinations, profile picture of Lena, logos etc. In case, you do not find what you are looking for, then please get in contact with us, so we can find exactly what you need. We have tons of pictures, so don’t be afraid to make an inquiry!

Get in Contact:

Fill out below form and we will get back to you asap. Doesnt matter if you are a small town blogger (with follower base of million people ;-)) or a New York Times journalist, we will prioritise your request regardless. We promise to get back to you within 24 hours, but usually we are quicker than that.

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