So…our main aim is provide unique running experiences in Copenhagen. Something that is more than a regular run in a city and something that allows you to really get to grips with the city. Get under the surface and have some “wauw” or “aha” moments.

So when one of our guests told us about a Scavenger Hunt Run in Oregon Portland, we were neither slow or too proud to copy the concept. And voila…here was The Urban Treasure Hunt: Something fun, something challenging and something we thought would appeal to all the Running Copenhagen regulars.

My colleague Signe was appointed Head of Urban Treasure Hunt and got stuck in with finding sponsors, grafitti painting (this one I believe she rather enjoyed) and basically organising everything. And here I found out it is a huge advantage to have a colleague who lives at a student dorm, because Signe’s entire floor has been prototyping treasure maps, producing treasure maps and making Running Copenhagen branded pearl pegboards.

So a big thank you to Kitchen B300 at Øresundskollegiet.

With regards to prize sponsors we decided to approach the companies we already work closely with and also a few of our Copenhagen favourites. And guess what…. Not a single one said no! Our concierge friends at Marriott and Tivoli Hotel, pulled some strings and sorted out brunch prizes. The sports companies we work closely with – Camelbak, Ultrarun.com, Newline and Marathon Sport – returned promptly with a positive answer and a handfuld of prizes. Copenhagen’s probably most loved cinema Grand Teater returned with cinema tickets and the food places Komsurabel and Soupanatural offered coffee and soup. The always friendly people at the Tourist Information donated Copenhagen Cards. Finally, our best friends of Kayak Republic offered a private sauna session. But then again, we share office with these guys, so there is no doubt they felt pressured to do this and also perhaps they were just being nice to ensure a good atmosphere. We can be vicious if we do not get our way 🙂

For me personally the Urban Tresure Hunt, would be an important milestone. We would start charging for our events aimed at locals in Copenhagen. We have alongside our regular sightrunning tours arranged many free events for the local running community. I was nervous about how this would be received amongst our regulars, but at the same time I wanted to also change the expectation that everything we do is for free. Needless to say there is a cost to us, every time we host an event, and though we do not eat much, we still need to eat 🙂

We initially set the price at DKK 50 (the equivalent of the Grande Latte from Starbucks), and the event ended up selling out. Pfew! It of course shouldn’t have surprised me that runners had no problem paying for an event that sounded interesting and different. We later on upped the price to DKK 75 (1½ Lattes), as the amount of time and money involved in organising the Urban Treasure Hunt took us a bit by surprise.  If you as a local Copenhagener is now concerned that we hike up prices and start charging for all our events, then not to worry. We have lots of runs, parties and “hunts” coming up – some will be for free and some will cost a Latte or two 😉

We have now held 3 Urban Treausure Hunts and I am overly satisfied with the races. It has been lots of fun, we have had the chance to meet a lot of new runners and to us it seems that our participants have had a good time. A lot of the people participated all 3 times, which we take as a postive sign.

The plan was to put the The Urban Treasure Hunts on hold during our high season, but we have changed our minds. So we will be having a Spring Treasure Hunt on the 24th of May and a special Jazz Treasure Hunt during the Jazz Festival in July. Both will have a few new twists and we promise that even the seasoned treasure hunters will be put to the test.

I would like to make the Urban Treasure Hunt an offer to our corporate customers as well, so Danish companies can partake in a social and healthy running concept with their colleagues… Let’s see if this will take off. If it does, it will be a super fun product to offer.

Curious about our Treasure Hunts? Read more here!

Have a great spring everyone and see you on the streets of Copenhagen.
