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Copenhagen is a fantastic place for sipping natural wine or craft beers. Both at our many restaurants (many of which you can read in my other blog posts Gourmet Restaurants in CopenhagenMichelin Star Restaurants and Seafood Restaurants in Copenhagen) but also in a handful of natural wine bars in Copenhagen. On quite a few of our running tours, conversation often turns to food and wine, and as I am a very big fan of natural wine, below are the recommendations of bars I always give my guests.

So in case you have landed on this blog post because you are a sucker for natural wine and a looking for natural wine bars in Copenhagen, but find yourself a keen runner as well, then please feel free to check out our running tours here in Copenhagen. Our tours are the perfect way to build up a good conscience for drinking lots of natural wine…and usually we have a few special wine events on the radar, that we recommend, and where we promise you that you will meet no other tourist.

Den Vandrette

Natural wine bar Den Vandrette in CopenhagenMy favourite among all the natural wine bars in Copenhagen. It is a 2 minutes walk from Nyhavn and located in a basement of an old historic building. In the summer time they have a pop-up bar by the harbour and here is a one off chance to be sipping La Lune of Mark Angeli (if you are a sucker for white wine and you have not tried this yet – go for this one) while enjoying the view to Noma Restaurant.

What I particularly like about this bar is that it is quiet. Those of you that have read my restaurant and other bar blog posts know that I am almost allergic to places that are so noisy that it is impossible to have a conversation. Den Vandrette is the type of place where you can go and have a conversation in peace and quiet while drinking amazing natural wine.

The staff is always very helpful and here is probably my best recommendation of the blog post. If you are new to natural wine, then ask. If you an expert, but are curious about something, then ask. The guys here are super friendly, very knowledgeable and they will be more than happy to give you the 101 introduction to natural wine.
It is also possible to buy wines to take away, so on a sunny day, buy a couple of bottles and find a sunny spot along the harbour. I am sure if you ask nicely the guys at Den Vandrette will lend you some wine glasses.

On Tuesdays, you can at 5 pm try a few of their wines for free, which I would of course always recommend, but also I would recommend treating yourself to some of their snacks or the daily special, so the wine don’t go straight to your head.

Den Vandrette is partly owned by my favourite wine dealer in Copenhagen Rosforth and Rosforth, which is the nicest and most friendly people you will buy a bottle of wine from.

Den Vandrette website

Ved Stranden 10

I have a bit of a love hate relationship with this natural wine bar in Copenhagen. I love the wines, I love the staff and I love the actual rooms and interior design. I’ll tell you later what I don’t like, but let’s first start with why this bar is on the list.
The location is right in the city centre and their wines are lovely. There is always quite a few natural wines available by the glass and the attentive staff is happy to serve as many of these glasses that you like. Each glass is served with a small introduction and as with Den Vandrette, you can ask as may questions as you like and the staff is always happy to answer these.

Every Wednesday at 5 pm they also have a wine tasting on that costs DKK 150 and here you are usually served between 4 – 6 glasses of different wines. They only serve the tastings until the bottles are empty so be on time, otherwise you will be disappointed as these tastings are quite popular.

And now to the paragraph you have all been waiting for. What do I not like? As it is very close to the Parliament, this bar is often full of politicians, lobbyists and other tribes in suits. This means that the atmosphere can sometimes be a bit stiff, have an upper class whiff and not as relaxed as many of the other bars in the city.

Ved Stranden 10 Website


Terroiristen Natural wine bar in CopenhagenThis small wine bar is quite unique and just the thought of it makes me smile. The bar serves many Slovenian, Georgian and Italian natural wines so for many people this is new wine territory and terrior for that matter. These are also the wines that you do not see in the Copenhagen restaurants, so really if you want to try some wine that is a bit off the beaten natural wine path, then venture to Terroiristen.

The bar is located in the street called Jægersborggade, which is at Nørrebro and one of the hippest streets in Copenhagen. It is a bit away from the city centre, but worth the trip. Jægersborggade also houses some of my favorite restaurants which are Relæ and Manfreds and you can read my descriptions of them in my blog post about Gourmet restaurants in Copenhagen.

Terroirsten Website

Other Natural Wine Bars in Copenhagen

In addition to the above three natural wine bars in Copenhagen, there are other wine bars and restaurants that have natural wines on the menu and below I have listed a few:

Bar Vin
Alimentari/Il Buco
Gustavs Bistro
Bevi Bevi

PS: I started this blog post a few times, but sort of went ”cold” on writing this. So in the end I opened a bottle of natural red and voila – here we go. Any typos and grammar mistakes can be attributed to the second glass.



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